
Jul 18, 2024 | Industrial Applications

We are more connected than ever before, and if we look at the forecasts and research, We can say that this is just the beginning. A number of industries have been and are going to be detrimental in the ever-growing connected world. One of these industries is the broadcast industry. The broadcasting industry is already raking in multiple tens of billions of dollars a year and the way that globalism is going, that number is likely to increase. One of our enclosure partners Broadcast Gear is right at the heart of this industry.

BroadcastGear has been developing and manufacturing hardware for the Broadcast world since 2012. The specialty of the company is the 4K and 8K fiber solutions. BroadcastGear has 6 different product lines, ranging all the way from Fiber Muxers to Wireless CCU control products. Their flagship product line “Fiber Muxer”, is a modular build system so it has the most flexible setup to accommodate the user's needs. BroadcastGear offers multiple frame options with different numbers of modules. With these in mind, the firm needed an enclosure manufacturer with customization options. This need meeting with the high-quality expectations of their clients made BroadcastGear’s choices of enclosure manufacturers very limited. Thankfully Altinkaya met these expectations. With a trade history between the companies going back to 2017, it has been a pleasure to be a part of their success in the previous years.


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